Electric Poker

Electric Poker
1. Electric Poker is a Hyper Turbo, 3-handed no-limit Texas Hold’em poker tournament played with one (1) standard deck of 52 cards. The prize pool for the tournament will be determined based on a random draw before the start of each tournament and can be from 2x to 10,000x your buy-in (“Prize Pool Multipliers”). For example, a five-dollar ($5) Electric Poker tournament can pay out up to $50,000 in the event the 10,000x Prize Pool Multiplier is drawn. The Prize Pool Multiplier determines the number of blind levels in each tournament. Blind levels are two (2) minutes long. Prize Pool Multipliers of 2x-5x will have three (3) blind levels before the Electric Mode (All In moment) activates. A 10x Prize Pool Multiplier will have four (4) blind levels before the Electric Mode (All In moment) activates. A 100x Prize Pool Multiplier will have five (5) blind levels before the Electric Mode (All In moment) activates. Lastly, Prize Pool Multipliers of 1,000x-10,000x will have six (6) blind levels before the Electric Mode (All In moment) activates. The total tournament time ranges from a minimum of six (6) minutes to a maximum of twelve (12) minutes plus any additional time for the Electric Mode (All In moment). The blinds will increase every two (2) minutes until the tournament timer expires. In the event a winner has not been determined before the timer hits 0:00, all remaining players are automatically All In until the tournament ends.
2. Cards are ranked from highest to lowest in the following order: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2, except that the Ace may be the highest or lowest card, depending on the hand. (e.g., an Ace may be used as the lowest card to complete a straight flush or a straight, either one formed with a 2, 3, 4, and 5 or as the highest card in a Royal Flush or straight formed with a 10, Jack, Queen, and King). Poker hands are formed with five (5) cards and ranked from highest to lowest as follows:
Hand | Description |
Royal Flush | Suited Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10. |
Straight Flush | Five (5) suited cards in consecutive ranking, other than a royal flush, with King, Queen, Jack, 10, and 9 being the highest, and Ace, 2, 3, 4, and 5 being the lowest. |
Four-of-a-Kind | Four (4) cards of the same rank, with four (4) Aces being the highest and four (4) 2s being the lowest. |
Full House | A three-of-a-kind and a pair, with three (3) Aces and two (2) Kings being the highest, and three (3) 2s and two (2) 3s being the lowest. |
Flush | Five (5) suited cards that are not consecutively ranked, with Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 9 being the highest, and 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 being the lowest. |
Straight | Five (5) consecutively ranked, unsuited cards, with Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 being the highest, and Ace, 2, 3, 4, and 5 being the lowest. |
Three-of-a-Kind | Three (3) cards of the same rank, with three (3) Aces being the highest and three (3) 2s being the lowest. |
Two Pair | Two (2) different pairs, with two (2) Aces and two (2) Kings being the highest and two (2) 2s and two (2) 3s being the lowest. |
One Pair | Two (2) cards of the same rank, with two (2) Aces being the highest and two (2) 2s being the lowest. |
High Card | When comparing two (2) hands that are of identical rank or that contain none of the hands listed above, the hand that contains the highest ranking card that is not contained in the other hand shall be considered the higher ranking hand. In the event the hands are of identical rank, then the hands shall tie. |
3. Prize Pool Multipliers are randomly drawn from the following possibilities: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x, 100x, 1,000x, and 10,000x. For more information regarding prizes and payouts, please refer to the Prize Pool, Buy-In, and Payout Breakdown section below.
Electric Poker Overview
1. Electric Poker plays the same as a No-Limit Texas Hold’em tournament with a few key differences:
a. The prize pool is randomly generated based on the Prize Pool Multiplier. For more information, refer to the pay table.
b. All blind levels will be two (2) minutes. There will be between three (3) and six (6) blind levels, based on the Prize Pool Multiplier, per tournament. Refer to the pay table for more information.
c. In the event a winner is not determined by the end of the predetermined set of blind levels, the Electric Mode (All In moment) activates, and all remaining players will automatically be All In until a winner is determined.
Electric Poker Lobby
1. Buy-In amount selection and registration
a. Players will be able to register for Electric Poker tournaments in the lobby. Players will be able to register for multiple tables within each buy-in amount using the “Number of Entries” button. Once registration is confirmed, players will see the registered table(s) populate within their “My Tables” section.
2. My Tables
a. Each table will provide players with the following information: Number of players registered for the table, buy-in amount, game speed, prize pool, positions paid, game status, and table name. For additional information, as well as to unregister from the table, see the “My Tables” section.
i. Players can unregister for a tournament if the third (3rd) player has not yet registered. Once the third (3rd) player is registered, players can no longer unregister for the tournament.
General Gameplay
1. The Buy-In: A buy-in refers to how much money a player will pay in order to play the poker tournament. In a poker tournament, all players buy in for the same amount and receive the same amount of starting chips. These chips will not have any cash value. The bulk of the buy-in amount for a poker tournament goes into the prize pool, while a small percentage of the buy-in, also known as the “entry fee”, goes to the house.
2. The Dealer Button: When a player has the dealer button, they are referred to as “the dealer.” When three (3) handed, the button indicates that the person sitting to the left of the player with the dealer button will be the small blind. When heads up, the player with the button will be the small blind.
3. The Blinds: At the beginning of each hand, before the cards are dealt, the two (2) players to the left of the dealer must make forced bets, the “small blind” and the “big blind.” For Electric Poker, the big blind is twice the size of the small blind, and it indicates the minimum bet amount for the table on subsequent rounds. The player to the left of the dealer posts the small blind; the player to the left of the small blind posts the big blind. The blinds will vary depending on the tournament level being played.
a. In Electric Poker, each player may also be required to post an “ante.” An ante is also a forced bet, typically smaller than the blinds. While small and big blinds are forced bets for the two (2) players directly to the left of the dealer, antes are forced bets for all players at the table.
4. The Deal and Pre-flop: Once the dealer button is set and the blinds are posted, the cards are dealt. Each player is dealt two (2) cards face down from the deck. These two (2) cards are known as “hole cards” and are only visible to the player to whom the cards were dealt. A round of betting takes place after the hole cards are dealt. This round is known as the “pre-flop.” Action will start with the player directly to the left of the player who posted the big blind and will proceed clockwise around the table.
5. Texas Holdem Betting Options:
a. Players will have the option to “fold,” “check,” “bet,” “call,” or “raise” when it is their action.
i. Fold: A player gives up on the hand and lays down their cards when it is their turn to act. The player is no longer involved in the hand and cannot win the pot.

ii. Check: A player chooses to pass on their betting option and the action will move on to the next player. This is only possible when no other player has made a bet in the round.

iii. Bet: The first player in the betting round to make a bet.
1. Players can bet using the predetermined minimum by clicking on the bet button.

iv. Players can change their bet amount by clicking the + on the betting wheel to increase or decrease the bet amount.

v. Players can manually input the bet or raise amount by clicking in the center of the betting wheel and manually inputting the bet amount.
vi. Call: Once a bet is made, the next player in line will have the option to match (i.e., call) the bet.

vii. Raise: Once a bet is made, the next player in line is able to increase the original bet (i.e., raise). In raising, a player must raise by at least the amount of the previous bet / raise.
1. Players can raise by using the predetermined minimum by clicking on the raise button.

b. Pre-Turn Action: Players will have the option to pre-select “fold,” “check/fold, ” “check,” “bet,” “call,” or “All In” before it is their action. Players can unselect the Pre-Turn Action at any time before it is their action.
i. Pre-Turn Action - Fold: When this is selected, the player will automatically fold their hand once it becomes their action.

ii. Pre-Turn Action - Check/Fold: When this is selected, the player will automatically Check in the event no other bets were made in the round prior to the player’s action, or fold in the event other bets were made in the round prior to the player’s action. In the event the Check/Fold Pre-Turn Action is selected, once a bet is made in the round prior to the player’s action, the Pre-Turn Action - Check/Fold will automatically turn into the red fold button shown in section 5.b.i.

iii. Pre-Turn Action - Check: When this is selected, the player will automatically check their hand once it becomes their action in the event there are no bets placed in the round prior to the player’s action. In the event there was a bet placed in the round prior to the player’s action, the Pre-Turn Action - Check button will become unselected, and the player will need to select a different betting option or pre-turn action.

iv. Pre-Turn Action - Call: When this is selected, the player will automatically call the current bet once it becomes their action. In the event there is an additional bet, the button will become unselected and the player will need to select a different betting option or pre-turn action.

v. Pre-Turn Action - All In: The All In Pre-Turn Action button will only display in the event there is a bet that is over the amount of the player’s chip value, . When this is selected, the player will automatically call the current bet once it becomes their action and all the player’s entire chip value will be bet.

6. Texas Hold’em Betting Rules
a. The minimum bet is equal to the size of the big blind. The maximum bet a player can make is equal to their remaining stack.
i. If the player has less than the minimum bet, they are still able to go all in but will only be able to win a portion of the pot. When this occurs, a main pot and a side pot will be created. The main pot will include the amount of money the all in player and the equivalent amount from the other players in the pot and will be the amount that this all in player is able to win. The remaining amount and all other subsequent bets for this hand will form the side pot and only the other players who have money invested in this side pot will be able to win this pot.
b. Minimum raise: The raise amount must be at least as much as the previous bet or raise in the same round. The maximum amount a player can raise is equal to their remaining stack. For example, if the previous bet was five, a player may only raise ten or more.
i. However, raising is not always allowed. This occurs if a player has raised all in (betting all of their remaining stack) but the player has less chips than the current minimum raise size. In such a situation, the other players will only be allowed to call or fold.
c. In No-Limit Hold’em, there is no maximum on the number of raises allowed.
7. The Flop: Once the pre-flop betting concludes, three (3) community cards are dealt face-up on the table. These three (3) community cards are known as "the flop." The first player to the left of the dealer that is still active in the hand (i.e., that has not folded) will start the betting round. The action continues clockwise to each active player, and the round continues to the “turn” if more than (1) player remains and all active players have called or checked.
8. The Turn: The "turn," or the fourth (4th) community card, will be dealt face up once the betting action is completed for the flop. Once again, the first player to the left of the dealer that is still active in the hand will start the betting round. The action continues clockwise to each active player, and the round continues to the “river” if more than (1) player remains and all active players have called or checked.
9. The River: The "river," or the fifth (5th) community card, will be dealt face up once betting has concluded for the turn. This is the final community card and betting round. Players will use their two (2) hole cards with the five (5) community cards to form their best five (5)-card hand. The same betting rules apply as they do for the flop and turn, as explained above. If there is only one (1) player left after this betting round (i.e., if all other players have folded), that player wins the pot. If there is more than one (1) player remaining after the river betting round then these players will move on to the showdown.
10. The Showdown: The last person to bet or raise will show their hole cards to the table to determine what their best five (5)-card hand is. Starting clockwise, the remaining players to the left of the last person that bet or raised will only show their cards if they have a better hand. If there was no bet on the final round, the player immediately to the left of the dealer shows their cards first and the players next to action will only show their cards if they have a better hand. The chips are then given to the winner. In the event of a tie, the pot is "chopped," or split evenly between the tied players.
11. The Next Hand: Once the previous hand is over and the chips awarded to the winner, the dealer button will be moved clockwise to the next player, the cards are shuffled, the blinds will be posted, and a new hand will be dealt. If a winner is not determined by the end of the predetermined set of blind levels, all remaining players will be automatically all in until a winner is determined.
Multi-Table Bar (Mobile only)
- The Multi-Table Bar (MTB) will allow players to toggle between their active games on the mobile app. Players can toggle tables by clicking on the desired table from the MTB and the fully displayed table will switch in real-time. The MTB is accessible from both the poker lobby and in-game and displays the players current hand and status.
- Blackjack Now: Players can play Blackjack Now in the poker lobby or while in an active poker game.
- Lobby: Click to return to the poker lobby.
- Plus Sign: Click the + to register for an additional table.
Additional Rules
- Refer to terms and conditions and tournament rules for disconnection and server failure policies.
- Action Timer: Players have a certain amount of time to act each time it is their turn. After a player's action timer expires, in Electric Poker, the player's "time bank" will automatically activate if they have invested chips in the pot (not inclusive of blinds and/or antes). Players who have failed to act before their action timer expires and have zero time remaining in their "time bank" will automatically check, in the event no other player has made a bet in the round, or fold their hand, in the event any other player has made a bet in the round.
- Time Bank: A "time bank" is an additional limited reservoir of time that is sometimes activated for difficult decisions. In Electric Poker, a player's time bank is automatically activated when their normal time to act expires, and they have voluntarily invested chips into the pot (not inclusive of blinds and/or antes). A player's time bank is a set amount for the duration of the tournament, and the remaining balance is carried from hand to hand within that tournament. For example, in games where the time bank is 10 seconds, if a player uses 3 seconds of their time bank in a hand, they'll only have 7 seconds remaining in their time bank for the remainder of the tournament. Players who have failed to act before their Time Bank expires will automatically check, in the event no other player has made a bet in the round, or fold their hand, in the event any other player has made a bet in the round.
- Sitting Out: If a player is “sitting out” it means that player is taking up a seat at the table but not playing. In Electric Poker, the "sitting out player" will still have to pay blinds and/or antes and be dealt cards, but that player can sit out for as long as they want. When they come back they can choose to sit back in. While a player is “sitting out” in an Electric Poker tournament, they will automatically check or fold according to the previous action when it is their turn. If there is no action, then they will automatically check. If there is a bet or raise, then they will automatically fold.
- Electric Mode (All in Moment): If a winner has not been crowned once the timer hits 0:00, all the remaining players are forced All In until a winner is crowned. If a hand is being played while the timer reaches 0:00, the players will be forced all in the following hand. Players will see an “All In” graphic once the timer reaches 0:00 and every hand after will have all of the remaining players going All In until a winner is declared.
- Prizes Awarded: Once a winner is declared, be it from winning the tournament prior to Electric Mode or winning from the Electric Mode, players placing in the money will be credited with their winnings. In the event multiple players are knocked out of the tournament in the same hand, for purposes of determining finishing positions in the tournament and attributing any prizes, the aggregate value of chips held by such players at the start of the hand they were knocked out in will be used as a tiebreaker, with the player(s) with smallest aggregate value of chips being deemed to have been eliminated before player(s) with a higher aggregate value of chips. In the event multiple players are knocked out of the tournament in the same hand and started the hand with the same chip count, any prizes associated with such finishing position(s) will be distributed evenly amongst such player(s). For example, in a three person tournament where second (2nd) place in the tournament pays out one hundred dollars ($100) and third (3rd) place pays out fifty dollars ($50), in the event the two (2) players who did not finish in first (1st) place are knocked out of the tournament in the same hand and started the hand with the same aggregate value of chips, each of the knocked out players would receive seventy-five dollars ($75).
Options | Description |
Off | Mutes all alert sounds |
On | Plays all alert sounds |
Sound FX
Options | Description |
Off | Mutes all Sound FX sounds |
On | Plays all Sound FX sounds |
Muck Winning Hands
Options | Description |
Off | Gives player the option to show their winning hand when not at showdown. There will be the option to show one or both of the player's hole cards |
On | Winning hands when not at showdown are automatically mucked |
Muck Losing Hands
Options | Description |
Off | Gives player the option to show their losing hand. There will be the option to show one or both of the player's hole cards |
On | Losing hands when not at showdown are automatically mucked |
Four Suit Colors
Options | Description |
Off | Standard two (2) color suit cards. Black for spades and clubs. Red for hearts and diamonds |
On | Four suit cards. Black for spades, red for hearts, blue for diamonds, and green for clubs |
Dealer Narration - Gameplay Log

Show Details
Options | Description |
Off | The Dealer Narration - Gameplay Log will only display the Round ID, the winning hand in the event it goes to showdown, and the winning player of the hand. |
On | The Dealer Narration - Gameplay Log will display the Round ID and all actions including but not limited to: antes and blinds being posted, each players actions throughout the round, the board cards, the winner, and the winning hand if it goes to showdown. |
Electric Poker Tournament Structure
2x-5x Multiplier, Time: 6 minutes until Electric Mode (All In Moment)
Level | Small Blind | Big Blind | Ante | Time |
1 | 10 | 20 | 2 | 2 minutes |
2 | 15 | 30 | 3 | 2 minutes |
3 | 20 | 40 | 4 | 2 minutes |
Electric Mode: All In |
10x Multiplier, Time: 8 minutes until Electric Mode (All In Moment)
Level | Small Blind | Big Blind | Ante | Time |
1 | 10 | 20 | 2 | 2 minutes |
2 | 15 | 30 | 3 | 2 minutes |
3 | 20 | 40 | 4 | 2 minutes |
4 | 30 | 60 | 6 | 2 minutes |
Electric Mode: All In |
100x Multiplier, Time: 10 minutes until Electric Mode (All In Moment)
Level | Small Blind | Big Blind | Ante | Time |
1 | 10 | 20 | 2 | 2 minutes |
2 | 15 | 30 | 3 | 2 minutes |
3 | 20 | 40 | 4 | 2 minutes |
4 | 30 | 60 | 6 | 2 minutes |
5 | 40 | 80 | 8 | 2 minutes |
Electric Mode: All In |
1,000x - 10,000x Multiplier, Time: 12 minutes until Electric Mode (All In Moment)
Level | Small Blind | Big Blind | Ante | Time |
1 | 10 | 20 | 2 | 2 minutes |
2 | 15 | 30 | 3 | 2 minutes |
3 | 20 | 40 | 4 | 2 minutes |
4 | 30 | 60 | 6 | 2 minutes |
5 | 40 | 80 | 8 | 2 minutes |
6 | 50 | 100 | 10 | 2 minutes |
Electric Mode: All In |
Prize Pool, Buy-In, and Payout Breakdown
Prize Pool Payout
Prize Pool Multiplier | 1st Place | 2nd Place | 3rd Place |
2x | 100% | - | - |
3x | 100% | - | - |
4x | 100% | - | - |
5x | 80% | 20% | - |
10x | 75% | 25% | - |
100x | 70% | 25% | 5% |
1,000x | 70% | 20% | 10% |
10,000x | 70% | 20% | 10% |
$1.00 Electric Poker Buy-In (Rake $0.07, 7%)
Prize Pool Multiplier | Prize Pool | Probability |
2x | $2.00 | 477,800 in 1,000,000 |
3x | $3.00 | 359,956 in 1,000,000 |
4x | $4.00 | 111,133 in 1,000,000 |
5x | $5.00 | 46,000 in 1,000,000 |
10x | $10.00 | 5,000 in 1,000,000 |
100x | $100.00 | 100 in 1,000,000 |
1,000x | $1,000.00 | 10 in 1,000,000 |
10,000x | $10,000.00 | 1 in 1,000,000 |
$5.00 Electric Poker Buy-In (Rake $0.35, 7%)
Prize Pool Multiplier | Prize Pool | Probability |
2x | $10.00 | 477,800 in 1,000,000 |
3x | $15.00 | 359,956 in 1,000,000 |
4x | $20.00 | 111,133 in 1,000,000 |
5x | $25.00 | 46,000 in 1,000,000 |
10x | $50.00 | 5,000 in 1,000,000 |
100x | $500.00 | 100 in 1,000,000 |
1,000x | $5,000.00 | 10 in 1,000,000 |
10,000x | $50,000.00 | 1 in 1,000,000 |
$10.00 Electric Poker Buy-In (Rake $0.70, 7%)
Prize Pool Multiplier | Prize Pool | Probability |
2x | $20.00 | 477,800 in 1,000,000 |
3x | $30.00 | 359,956 in 1,000,000 |
4x | $40.00 | 111,133 in 1,000,000 |
5x | $50.00 | 46,000 in 1,000,000 |
10x | $100.00 | 5,000 in 1,000,000 |
100x | $1,000.00 | 100 in 1,000,000 |
1,000x | $10,000.00 | 10 in 1,000,000 |
10,000x | $100,000.00 | 1 in 1,000,000 |
$25.00 Electric Poker Buy-In (Rake $1.75, 7%)
Prize Pool Multiplier | Prize Pool | Probability |
2x | $50.00 | 477,800 in 1,000,000 |
3x | $75.00 | 359,956 in 1,000,000 |
4x | $100.00 | 111,133 in 1,000,000 |
5x | $125.00 | 46,000 in 1,000,000 |
10x | $250.00 | 5,000 in 1,000,000 |
100x | $2,500.00 | 100 in 1,000,000 |
1,000x | $25,000.00 | 10 in 1,000,000 |
10,000x | $250,000.00 | 1 in 1,000,000 |
$50.00 Electric Poker Buy-In (Rake $3.50, 7%)
Prize Pool Multiplier | Prize Pool | Probability |
2x | $100.00 | 477,800 in 1,000,000 |
3x | $150.00 | 359,956 in 1,000,000 |
4x | $200.00 | 111,133 in 1,000,000 |
5x | $250.00 | 46,000 in 1,000,000 |
10x | $500.00 | 5,000 in 1,000,000 |
100x | $5,000.00 | 100 in 1,000,000 |
1,000x | $50,000.00 | 10 in 1,000,000 |
10,000x | $500,000.00 | 1 in 1,000,000 |